Vore Comics by Stanislav | Nyte Comics

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Vore Comics by Stanislav


New comics released every Friday.

Vore Among Us

Vore Among Us

IT’S GUMROAD DAY! What does that mean? To celebrate their anniversary, they’re taking no fees for any purchases made today, which is A LOT. Gumroad takes 10% of our revenue, but today, they’re taking zero. Take the opportunity to support us today if you can by making a purchase, knowing that ALL of the money goes to us! Now, onto today’s release!

Uhura's Last Trek

Uhura's Last Trek

“After Spock maroons Kirk on a desolate deserted planet, Uhura takes it upon herself to bring him back despite all the trouble he’s caused. But her rescue mission may just turn into a suicide mission when she comes face-to-face with Delta Vega’s carnivorous wildlife. For the Hengrauggi, her foreign flesh is a most irresistible meal…”

Red Sonja: Redux

Red Sonja: Redux

“After being forced to shelter in a watery cavern, Red Sonja, along with Prince Tarn and Falkon, must now flee the rising waters before Gedren’s sea dragon claims them as its dinner. But in her efforts to save the young prince and his bodyguard, baiting it to her instead, Sonja may have sealed her own fate in the jaws of the creature…”

Dead Space: Eat Us Whole

Dead Space: Eat Us Whole

“Even the strong and brilliant mind of Nicole Brennan couldn’t resist the allure of the infamous Marker. Following promises of a blissful eternity beyond death, she makes her way to the USG Ishimura’s food storage facility, where the Leviathan—a colossal, amorphous, and insatiably ravenous Necromorph—awaits its next meal.”

Metal Gear: Quiet's Last Words

Metal Gear: Quiet's Last Words

“After being forced to activate her parasites in order to save Venom, the assassin known as Quiet vanishes into the desert, away from civilization, to die. However, the desert has a different plan for her—a big plan with teeth and an aching hunger. And with the intense heat an dryness having sapped her ability to thwart it, her only hope…is that she can outrun it.”

Subnautica: Robin's Misadventures #2

Subnautica: Robin's Misadventures #2

“Whilst scavenging for materials to aid in her hunt for the truth, Robin Ayou unwittingly stumbles into occupied territory and crosses paths with a ferocious Snow Stalker. And with a hungry litter of newborns to feed, this devoted mother isn’t about to let a meal like Robin escape.”

Subnautica: Robin's Misadventures #1

Subnautica: Robin's Misadventures #1

“Xenologist Robin Ayou traveled to the ocean planet 4546B with one goal in mind: to uncover the truth behind her sister Sam’s alleged death. But there are many obstacles standing in her way: unforgiving weather, treacherous terrain, and the dangerous creatures that roam it. Not to mention the hungry Ice Worms lurking beneath the ice, just waiting for unsuspecting prey to pass them by.”

Jurassic Series: Amanda

Jurassic Series: Amanda

“After her son went missing on Isla Sorna, Amanda Kirby and her ex-husband tricked their way into an expedition to the island in order to find him and bring him home. Unfortunately for Amanda, she came woefully unprepared for this hostile environment, and a famished T-Rex looking to fill its belly is about to remind her just how unforgiving it can be.

Elden Ring Questlines: Hyetta

Elden Ring Questlines: Hyetta

“When approached by a stranger, Hyetta—a humble lightseeker and aspiring Finger Maiden—makes a request for Shabriri grapes to aid in her journey. But the confessor-class Tarnished woman who’s paid her a visit has another more salacious offering in mind…and it comes with many flailing, sucker-covered strings attached.”

Daenerys: A Song of Vore and Fire

Daenerys: A Song of Vore and Fire

“Daenerys Targaryen has traveled too far, sacrificed too much, and made far too big of a mark on the world to give herself up to another khal now. After massacring the khalar vezhven, she wants to make a move to ensure that all who oppose her think twice before trying to stop her, and she’s going to enlist her dragon’s help to do it.”

Voresoft Presents...Bloodborne

Voresoft Presents...Bloodborne

“Seeking to end the nightmare, a Hunter sets her sights on Vicar Amelia—a high-ranking member of the Healing Church, and a woman with a hungry monster hiding in her bones. After she mutates into her new ghastly form, the Hunter moves in for the kill. Does she have the power to take down a Cleric Beast, or will hers be the blood Vicar Amelia feasts upon?”

Monster Hunter: Power Couple

Monster Hunter: Power Couple

“Hoping to locate a missing Handler and fellow Hunter, our heroine puts her faith in the scouting flies and follows them into the forest. But a misstep on the path sends her tumbling into a nest full of eggs. Rathian eggs. And before she can get clear of the nest, she’s chased out by their mother. One large monster is a challenge, but not impossible to defeat. However, the thing about this wyvern known as Queen of the Land…is that her King of the Skies is never far away.”



“Bo-Katan Kryze, the infamous Mandalorian Nite Owl, sets sail aboard a Quarren fishing vessel. Unbeknownst to her, she’s walked straight into a trap. The only reason these Quarrens welcomed her aboard was for a chance to seize her beskar armor, and with a little help from the starved mamacore caged in the ship’s hull, they might just be able to claim their prize.”

47 Meters Down: Redux

47 Meters Down: Redux

“Hoping to help step-sisters Mia and Sasha bond, Mia’s father organizes a trip for the girls to go and see the great white sharks. Also along for the trip are the girls’ friends Alexa, Nicole, and Catherine. But their fun scuba diving trip takes a turn for the worst when the group is attacked by a trio of sharks. Will any of the girls make it out alive, or are they all doomed to become food for the frenzied fish?”

Resident Evil Series: Alice

Resident Evil Series: Alice

“Alice wakes in a laboratory, her mind devoid of memory. Even her own identity is lost to her. But the truth of her identity is the last thing on her mind when the researches observing her release a B.O.W—a Kipepeo—into the laboratory with her. Alice will learn that she has quite great strength, along with keen tactical abilities, but how long she’ll have to learn more is up to her. She’s being observed by scientists, part of an experiment she knows nothing about, and whether or not she survives is part of the test…”

Little Shop of Horrors: Prelude

Little Shop of Horrors: Prelude

Seeing opportunity in witnessing the accidental death of Audrey’s boyfriend–the circumstances of which could potentially send Seymour to prison–Ms. Mushnick negotiates a deal: she won’t get the police involved…on the condition that Seymour gives up her gardening secrets that has made their little flower shop a fortune. But her plan goes awry when the man-eating plant Audrey II seizes this situation as its own opportunity for a juicy meal.

Anaconda - Redux 2

Anaconda - Redux 2

The surviving members of Terri Flores’ film crew make to flee the Amazon after losing several of their members on a foolish hunt for the legendary Anaconda that roams these waters. Among the survivors is Denise Kalberg, Terri’s production manager, but in her attempt to regroup with her companions after a failed search, she falls into the water. A mild inconvenience, she first thinks…until the Anaconda strikes.

Deep Rising: Ravenous Tides

Deep Rising: Ravenous Tides

“A crew of mercenaries board the Argonautica, a luxury cruise ship out on its maiden voyage, with plans to reap the wealth of its passengers. Upon finding the ship dead in the water, the crew missing, Diane’s partner-in-crime Riley begins to suspect mutiny. But both women are about to discover that they’ve bitten off far more than they can chew.

Bloodrayne: Mynce as Meat

Bloodrayne: Mynce as Meat

“Dhampir agents of the Brimstone Society, Mynce and Rayne, have been dispatched to Mortton, Louisiana to quell a Maraisreq infestation. Rayne proceeds to destroy the nests, sending survivors to the graveyard to be guarded by Mynce. But before Rayne can return, the Maraisreq launch a surprise attack on the graveyard, and Mynce isn’t strong enough to fend them off on her own. She, along with the survivors, are doomed to become a feast for the bloodthirsty beasts.”

Anaconda: Redux

Anaconda: Redux

“Terri Flores heads to the Amazon jungle in search of a forgotten tribe. Along the way, she and her film crew meet a man called Paul, who offers to help them find it. They realize too late that he’s drawn them into his own personal hunt for a legendary anaconda. All attempts to capture the beast fail, and Terri eventually finds herself on the run as the sole survivor of her crew. But when the anaconda drives her into a corner, she’ll have to surrender that title too.”

Star Wars Series: Padme

Star Wars Series: Padme

“In a failed attempt to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme and Anakin wind up captured as well. The trio was meant to be executed together in the Petranaki Arena; however, Padme now finds herself chained up here alone. And without the help of her comrades, she is doomed to become dinner for the famished Acklay that’s been set loose in the arena.”

Midna's Twilight

Midna's Twilight

“Corrupted by the Triforce of Power, Link has been locked away in the dungeons of Hyrule Castle after going on a killing spree in his wolf form. A dire situation for our hero, but Midna, the Twilight Princess, sees this as an opportunity. She’s always wondered what it might be like to be prey, to be devoured by a predator, and now with Link in his animal form, all morals and humanity stripped away by the corruption, she finally has a chance to try it out.”

Mighty Vorin' Power Rangers: Trini

Mighty Vorin' Power Rangers: Trini

“With Kimberly Hart reduced to soup in Pudgy Pig’s stomach and the other Rangers devoured by the infamous Terror Toad, only Trini Kwan remains after the ambush of Putty Patrollers. But Terror Toad isn’t quite finished yet. The digestion of the other Rangers in his gut is making room for dessert, and Trini is a treat he cannot resist.”

Mighty Vorin' Power Rangers: Kimberly

Mighty Vorin' Power Rangers: Kimberly

“The Power Rangers are ambushed by Putty Patrollers while on a routine scouting mission for Zordon. Ranger Kimberly Hart becomes separated from her teammates in the attack and escapes to the rooftops, where she attempts to contact the other rangers. But no one answers her call. Before she can find out whether it’s just an equipment malfunction or if something’s happened to the others, she finds herself ambushed a second time–this time by the ravenous Pudgy Pig, who has no intentions of letting Kimberly leave in one piece.”

Star Wars Series: Oola

Star Wars Series: Oola

“Oola the slave dancer knows better than to resist Jabba the Hutt’s orders. However, his aggressive lust causes her to instinctively defy. And when Jabba is refused what he wants, he sends the insolent plunging into the Rancor’s cave below his throne room to become food for his pet.”

Mass Effect: Voracity of the Varren

Mass Effect: Voracity of the Varren

“Miranda Lawson falls into the hands of Krogan clan. Having burned bridges with all of her former allies, and with the Normandy’s crew having been swallowed by a Thresher Maw, no one remains to save her. So when her Krogan captors decide to feed her to their prized Varren–a champion in the fighting pits–she is hopeless to stop them.”

Domino's Bodybag

Domino's Bodybag

“While most would see Bodybag’s fighting methods as cruel and horrific, Domino sees them as an opportunity for a guilty pleasure. After saving a civilian from Bodybag’s clutches, Domino plays the victim to entice the hungry mutant. Everything seems to be going according to plan . . . until Domino becomes trapped in Bodybag’s stomach sac.

Mass Effect: Attack of the Thresher Maw

Mass Effect: Attack of the Thresher Maw

“When the Normandy picks up a distress call from a remote research facility, Commander Shepard and her team set out to rescue the scientists stationed there. But before they can even land, the mission takes a turn for the worse. A Thresher Maw is wreaking havoc on the facility, and it is determined to devour every living being in its path—human, alien, and robot alike.

X-COM: Permavore

X-COM: Permavore

“A Viper has infiltrated the Research Lab and slaughtered all but one scientist: Dr. Moira Vahlen. When things get quiet, Dr. Vahlen makes a break for the exit, assuming the Viper has left. Unfortunately for her, it was just waiting for its prey to come out of hiding.”

Mass Effect: Wrath of the Thorian

Mass Effect: Wrath of the Thorian

“Liara T’Soni accompanies Shepard and Kaidan on a mission to Feros, where they encounter an ancient sentient plant known as the Thorian. But when their chat with the Thorian’s mind-controlled Asari commando, Shiala, turns sour, it is Liara who ends up paying the ultimate price.”

Calypso's Rage

Calypso's Rage

The Pirate Lords release Calypso from her human form with the intent of asking for her aid. But the enraged goddess has other plans. She desires revenge, for it was pirates who bound her to a human form in the first place. And her first victim . . . is one Captain Elizabeth Swann.

Mortal Kombat: Stage Vorality

Mortal Kombat: Stage Vorality

After Kitana was devoured by her sister Mileena in a previous comicJade pinned the blame on Sonya Blade. Sonya was supposed to protect Kitana, and she failed. Now Jade seeks vengeance for the death of her friend. But she soon learns that the Living Forest—full of starving, sentient trees—was not the wisest place for a confrontation.

Fallout: Piper's Obituary

Fallout: Piper's Obituary

Piper Wright left the safety of Diamond City to chase a promising story. It was all going smoothly until she crossed paths with a Deathclaw. Now Piper is on the run for her life, and she won’t get a chance to reunite with her sister before she becomes lunch for the starving wasteland beast.



Syndrome has captured Elastigirl and left it up to Mirage to do the dirty work – feeding our beloved “Super” to the terrifying creature he has at his disposal. But once Mirage has set the beast free, her conscience gets the better of her, and and her attempt to save Elastigirl may prove to be the end of both their stories. 

Great Jagras: Failed Hunt

Great Jagras: Failed Hunt

It’s the New World for Monster Hunters, which means new monsters to discover! Four overzealous hunters encounter their first beast in this New World, the gluttonous Great Jagras. Unfamiliar with its habits and attack patterns, all four of them will find out the hard way that it’s almost impossible for the Great Jagras to bite off more than it can chew.

Jumanji: Redux

Jumanji: Redux

In another twist on an old favorite, these two ladies don’t make it out of the game alive. The jungle overtook the mansion, and now it’s overtaking them. Revisiting the crocodile and the plant from Jumanji, these two ladies will make for excellent meals.

Jurassic Park: Redux

Jurassic Park: Redux

They all got away in the original; but in this reimagining of the classic scene from the movie, the T-Rex makes a meal of one of them!