Mighty Vorin’ Power Rangers: Kimberly | Nyte Comics

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Mighty Vorin' Power Rangers: Kimberly

Mighty Vorin' Power Rangers: Kimberly

Art by page.artist Stanislav

Mighty Vorin' Power Rangers: Kimberly Cover Art

“The Power Rangers are ambushed by Putty Patrollers while on a routine scouting mission for Zordon. Ranger Kimberly Hart becomes separated from her teammates in the attack and escapes to the rooftops, where she attempts to contact the other rangers. But no one answers her call. Before she can find out whether it’s just an equipment malfunction or if something’s happened to the others, she finds herself ambushed a second time–this time by the ravenous Pudgy Pig, who has no intentions of letting Kimberly leave in one piece.”

Art by Stanislav

Script by Brittany

Edited by Nyte

*8 pages including cover; unwilling soft vore, implied digestion, slight blood*