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Vore Comics by Vini


New comics released every Friday.

Skyrim: Alduin's Rage

Skyrim: Alduin's Rage

“Aela the Huntress and Lydia the Thane, led by the infamous Dragonborn, march to the peak of the Throat of the World to confront the dragon Alduin–the World Eater. But when Alduin arrives, they find themselves woefully unprepared. First the Dragonborn must watch her lover, Aela, be torn apart by Alduin’s jaws, and her loyal Thane quickly follows in a blaze of glory.

Jane's Hypnotizing Journey Home

Jane's Hypnotizing Journey Home

“Jane has lost her way in the jungle after being attacked by a pack of angry baboons. But when it seems all hope is lost, a snake named Kaa comes to her rescue, promising to guide her home. Jane doesn’t realize until it’s too late that the “home” this snake is leading her to is his stomach, and the journey there was nothing more than a dream painted by Kaa’s hypnotic abilities.”

Tale of Odyssea: Part II

Tale of Odyssea: Part II

“Previously in our tale, Odyssea failed to persuade the cyclops Polyphemus to spare her life after she attempted to steal the one-eyed giantess’ sheep. This ended with Odyssea being devoured alive, and her crew left without a captain. While Polyphemus has already dealt Odyssea her punishment, this hungry cyclops isn’t finished yet. Odyssea’s crew is now in her sight, and they too will pay the price for their leader’s attempt to steal from a creature of her stature.”

Mary Jane's Failed Rescue

Mary Jane's Failed Rescue

“Mary Jane is held captive by the Lizard in an attempt to lure Spider-man to defeat. But when it’s discovered that Spider-man has been killed before ever even reaching the Lizard’s lab, the mad scientist must dispose of his hostage. Luckily, he has a contained Komodo Dragon in need of a meal. It’s a surefire way to get rid of any and all evidence.”

Tale of Odyssea

Tale of Odyssea

After Odysseus and her shipmates are blown off course, they come upon a large island teeming with sheep. Having not eaten in days, they go ashore and begin rounding up the herd, eager to fill their bellies . . . only to find that this herd has already been claimed, and they’re about to become dinner for its shepherd: the cyclops Polyphemus.

Handbook for the Recently Eaten

Handbook for the Recently Eaten

That’s the handbook Lydia Deetz will need after this!