Fullmetal Alchemist: Vorehood - Part II | Nyte Comics

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Vorehood - Part II

Fullmetal Alchemist: Vorehood - Part II

Art by page.artist Torn

Fullmetal Alchemist: Vorehood - Part II Cover Art

“Now that Winry Rockbell has met her violent demise at the hands of the homonculus, Gluttony, Lust turns her sadistic gaze on the still-living Riza Hawkeye. Riza manages to maintain her defiant stance while Lust toys with her, hoping to buy time until Colonel Mustang comes to the rescue . . . but Lust’s game is over far too soon, and when she offers Riza to Envy to finish off, Riza can only cry out for the Mustang as she slides towards the same grisly fate as Winry.”

  • Art by Torn
  • Script by Tawny
  • Edited by Nyte

*8 pages including cover; unwilling soft vore, graphic digestion (disintegration). All character depicted are 18+